[TYPO3-RTE] polish special characters

Klaus Hinum k_hinum at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 7 16:01:47 CEST 2006

Klaus Hinum schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker schrieb:
>> Klaus Hinum schrieb:
>>> hi group,
>>> the rte does convert the polish special chars correctly in the html 
>>> syntax eg. (Ę) but it displays the html syntax, which makes 
>>> editing/reading nearly impossible.
>>> we have an installation with different languages, so switching to utf 
>>> is not the solution (or is it the only possibility?)
>> The easiest solution for a *new* site is to use UTF-8.
>> But if I understand you you use the old native-charset approach 
>> (iso-8859-1 for German, iso-88591-2 for Polish, etc). So converting to 
>> UTF-8 would be very difficult.
>> But if you edit the content with the same BE language then it should 
>> be allright. Eg editors of German content must use the German (or 
>> English) BE and editors of Polish content must use a Polish BE.
>> The RTE shouldn't convert any non-ASCII letters to HTML entities.
>> Masi
> You are right, we have an old site, but the problem is that the rte is 
> displaying the characters in HTML syntax and not directly, so i think 
> this has to be some sort of RTE option
> kl
ok so i found out something, when entering new words in polish it works, 
but these special characters were entered AS special characters. is 
there a way to display them not in the HTML style?

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