[TYPO3-RTE] Small visual problems in rtehtmlarea

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Sun Jan 15 08:04:44 CET 2006

Hi Michael,
> I was working with the "Typical" configuration and Firefox 1.0.4. See 
> Screenshot at http://www.mstucki.net/files/typo3/screenshots/rtehtmlarea.png:
> - The "Paragraph" dropdown is truncated on the bottom. Maybe the height of the 
> element is too small?
Maybe it is just not set. In my case, the height is too large. This may 
depend on the height of the styled options. I need to revisit the skins 
to actually set the height of these dropdown lists.

In the mean time, you may try to set RTE.default.disablePCexamples = 1 
in order to disable the styling of the options.
> - The "Text" dropdown has for some reason slipped to the next line.
This is because all toolbar elements between linebreaks are floated to 
the left.

You could modify the order of the elements and linebreaks in the toolbar 
with Page TSConfig property RTE.default.toolbarOrder.

Or you could widen the RTE editing area with User TSConfig properties 
setup.default.edit_wideDocument = 1 and options.RTELargeWidthIncrement 
or with User TSConfig property options.RTESmallWidth.

Again, its
> height is too small...
> - At the end of the element, the text and the checkbox for disabling the RTE 
> are overlaying the "Path". 
This is odd. I don't understand why. Did you set any value in User 
TSConfig for options.RTESmallHeight?
I suppose they should be on separate lines.
> Besides this, I am impressed by the great job you did. I'm happy to see 
> rtehtmlarea in TYPO3 4.0!
Many thanks to you for your help and support!

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