[TYPO3-RTE] parse embed to google video

Unai Aizpurua unai at alambre.net
Thu Feb 23 16:38:26 CET 2006

Hi All,

Trying to configure the posibility os add google video in tt_news.

In htmlarea in texto mode, the code inserted is this:

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" 
align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" 
scale="noScale" wmode="window" salign="TL" > </embed>

but when is saved, gets parsed like:

&lt;embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" 
align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" 
scale="noScale" wmode="window" salign="TL" &gt; &lt;/embed&gt;

I set this on TS Setup:

lib.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap >
lib.parseFunc.tags.link.typolink.target >
lib.parseFunc.allowTags = table, tbody, tr, th, td, col, h1, h2, h3, h4, 
h5, h6, div, p, br, span, ul, ol, li, pre, blockquote, strong, em, b, i, 
u, sub, sup, strike, a, link, img, nobr, hr, tt, q, cite, abbr, acronym, 
address, object, embed, param, map, area
lib.parseFunc_RTE >
lib.parseFunc_RTE < lib.parseFunc

What is supposed to be wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Unai Aizpurua.
Alambre Estudio.

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