[TYPO3-RTE] New acronym feature

Sacha Vorbeck info at unlimited-vision.net
Tue Feb 21 21:39:42 CET 2006


> thanks but sorry, that didn`t help it`s still not working. May I ask if
> someone managed to make it work?

I finally discovered how it works. The acronym records you create in the
root page will not lead to automatically added acronym tags in the
rendered HTML like it is the case with a21glossary. Instead you can mark
a word in the RTE and click on the acronym button that is available when
you install the acronym plugin (doesn´t work with IE).

Then choose acronym and the acronym records from the root-page can be
selected. "Acronymified" words are rendered with a dashed underline and
a question-mark icon before the word inside of the RTE.

Make sure that

RTE.default.proc.hideButtons = acronym
is not set and
RTE.default.proc.allowTags = acronym
is set.

I found it a bit difficult to remove acronyms from words until I
discoverd that the context menu (right mouse button) offers a "remove
acronym" entry ;-). It would also be nice if acromys you manually add
inside of the RTE would be saved as acronym record in the root-page.

It`s a nice feature and it has some advantages to the automatically
added acronym tags from e.g. a21glossary as you can avoid tagging of
words that have another meaning in a different context. But all in all I
prefer the automatic solution as it requires less of the sometimes very
limited editor-brain-power ;-).

Stanislas, thank you for your good work.


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