[TYPO3-realty] [TYPO3-project-realty] Pagination, Filter by Object_Type

Markus Quaritsch quam at qwws.net
Thu Feb 4 16:01:19 CET 2010

On 03.02.10 12:18, Oliver Klee wrote:

> Markus Quaritsch schrieb:
>> - Is there an option to add an additional filter criterion (by
>> object_type (renting/sale)) in the frontend? I know the option in the
>> backend 'DB-Feld, aus dem die Suchfilter-Checkboxen erzeugt werden:' but
>> I'd like to allow filtering by house_type _and_ object_type at the same
>> time.
> You can put the search widget as a separate content element above the
> list view and use that as a filter.

Hmm, but my customer wants to have the object_type filter below the

>> - Is there an option to customize the pagination a bit more? For example
>> let the user (persistently) select how many items to show per page
>> (e.g., 10, 25, 50). Moreover, jumping to the first/last page in a list
>> and jumping several pages forth/back would be nice...
> These are all "missing features" (as usual open to sponsoring). Please
> let me know if you're interested. :-)

Well, my customer is interested in this ;-)
In the meantime, I've implemented this features (and the above
mentioned). In case you are interested, I can provide the patches.

Markus Quaritsch
E: quam at qwws.net
W: www.qwws.net

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