[TYPO3-project-realty] Problems with City Selection and Gallery

Björn "Hushy" Scholz hushy at hushwood.de
Wed Oct 22 15:21:14 CEST 2008

Hello everyone,

I've got two differnt pages using tie realty extension. Is't all the same structure, typo-script, just the Screen-Layout and page-tree is a little bit different.

The one page ist working without any problem. But the other one is cuasing some problems.

The problems are:

1. After clearing the cache an new starting the browser is working well. I can select a city by the cityselector. But when I go to the objects just by the link in the menu the first problem will appear. I can seperate the objects by cities. It doesnt matter which city I select, the whole list will appear.

2. When I click on an object an click further on an image, the gallery isn't working as well. But works, when I go by the cityselector until I go by menu to the whole list.

After clearing the cache a again in backend an restarting (this is very importent) the browser, the problem is solved until I go to the whole object list and all will start again. But it is all the same structure as in the other page.

Does anyone has or had the same problem and how can I get reed of it?

Hope anonecan help me! hank you in advance.

With best regards


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