[TYPO3-paymentlib] Paymentlib error with Direct mail.

Tonni Aagesen goes.to at dev.null
Fri Jan 4 14:29:38 CET 2008

Benjamin Mack wrote:

> I investigated a bit more. This is what I found out (as it happens not 
> only with the offline ext but with my own developed one too). So 
> everything works if paymentlib is installed, but as soon as someone adds 
> the following code to its paymentlib_XYZ/ext_localconf.php
> ======
> require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath('paymentlib').'lib/class.tx_paymentlib_providerfactory.php'); 
> require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath('paymentlib_XYZ').'class.tx_paymentlibXYZ_provider.php'); 
> $providerFactoryObj = tx_paymentlib_providerfactory::getInstance();
> $providerFactoryObj->registerProviderClass('tx_paymentlibXYZ_provider');
> ======
> ...it does not work anymore.
> I found out that it's the last line here that produces the error (which 
> finally resolves to the line new $className in the proxy.
> And of course, it only occurs when executing the direct mail cronjob. So 
> I assume it has something to do with the CLI component as everything 
> else works in the Backend. I compared my cli/php.ini and apache2/php.ini 
> and there's nothing that is different in there.
> I hope this helps. I am running TYPO3 4.1.5, the latest paymentlib and 
> direct_mail extensions from TER.
> So, I think there is a problem in the proxy class of the paymentlib 
> extension, but I couldn't find the solution yet. Hope you can figure 
> something out.

Thank you for your detailed report. I'll check/debug the code as soon as 

Tonni Aagesen
www.pil.dk & www.quickpay.dk

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