[TYPO3-paymentlib] Set MerchantID from Typoscript

Tonni Aagesen goes.to at dev.null
Wed Jun 13 11:42:27 CEST 2007

Brian Bendtsen wrote:

> Would it be possible to create a flexform field for merchantID and 
> md5-key and pass there values to the transaction_formGetVisibleFields() 
> function? Of course change the function name to 
> transaction_formGetVisibleFields($merchantID, $md5)

That would be the easy part :)

However, the return values sent to resultpage.php is validated by using 
the md5-key (md5secret) and merchantID, and can't think of a good way to 
detect which md5secret/merchantID was used sending the payment request 
to the gateway.

If your site was multiple-domain-based, you could perhaps tie the 
md5secret/merchantID to a specific domain, and this would also make 
sense as an generic solution. Since you don't use multiple domains, I'm 
think I'm just out of ideas :(

Let me know if you get an idea.

Tonni Aagesen
www.pil.dk & www.quickpay.dk

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