[TYPO3-paymentlib] Successfull transaction but no transaction record in backend

Brian Bendtsen nightowl at galnet.dk
Thu Jun 7 15:35:59 CEST 2007

Francois Suter skrev:
> Hi Brian,
>> Im a bit confused about the receed function. When is this called? In 
>> the confirm function its only called if there has been an earlier 
>> submission or is this a misunderstanding?
>> On the other hand, the receed function stores (supposedly) a donation 
>> record, so it should be called when a payment has been accepted?
> The confirmation function is called before payment, so that the user can 
> confirm the information regarding the payment before sending it off (the 
> earlier submission is that of the input form). If the payment is 
> successful, then the receed function (which should really be called 
> "receipt") display a success message.
Thanks but now I have done some testing with the donations ext. As far 
as I can see its supposed to create a record in the 
tx_donations_deposits table but this never happens. Even though I get to 
the OK page.

Will I have to point the ok page to the page where I have my plugin 


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