[TYPO3-l10nmgr] RTE imports fail [solved]

Tony Lush tlush at advancewm.com
Fri Jun 22 19:17:54 CEST 2012

We found more success by splitting the import XML files into smaller, 
more digestible, pieces.

Even on a dedicated server it will also pay to increase memory and time 
available, as the import process requires a lot of horsepower.

Regards -- Tony

On 6/5/2012 11:23 AM, Tony Lush wrote:
> Greetings,
> When we import translations back into the system (TYPO3 4.6.x and
> l10nmgr 3.3.15) the RTE elements are coming through incorrectly in some
> languages.
> Languages importing garbage characters: RU, TR, VI, CN
> Languages that import ok: ES, JP, AR
> We find that if we copy the content from the XML file and paste it into
> the RTE element (HTML code view) the copy is correct. TemplaVoila
> Flexible Content Elements all bring in their translations properly.
> Where can I find a solution for this?
> Kind regards -- Tony

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