[TYPO3-formidable] sandbox and persitance after the FORM post.

Didier HINGANT didier.hingant at wanadoo.fr
Wed Aug 3 16:37:19 CEST 2011

Hello all of you,

I've got a renderlet lister populated with a list of filenames.

In that lister i put a renderlet:Checksingle column to select or not
a file name in that list.

<column type="renderlet:CHECKSINGLE" name="cbselect" activeListable="true" 
defaultWrap="false" listHeader="Selection">
   <onchange runat="ajax" 
          return $this->oSandBox->doAfterCheck();

Each time i select or deselect a record in the renderlist, i
update an array (addArray or delArray) called $liste_fichier that i store
in a sandbox var by that function :

function addArray($uid, $numdossier, $nomfichier) {

  if(is_null($this->oForm->oSandBox->iCounter)) {
     $this->oForm->oSandBox->iCounter = $iCounter;
else {
    $this->oForm->oSandBox->iCounter = $iCounter;

// Test pour savoir si le tableau liste_fichier existe en memoire sandbox
 if(is_null($this->oForm->oSandBox->liste_fichier)) {
     $this->oForm->oSandBox->liste_fichier = $liste_fichier;
 else {

 $this->oForm->oSandBox->liste_fichier = $liste_fichier;

I want to retrieve the $liste_fichier in the actionlet part of my xml after 
the form post :


                 //$actionLetMsg="Passage dans Actionlet!";

                 $filelist = $this->oForm->oSandBox->liste_fichier;
                 debugster($filelist,array("title"=>"liste fichiers 


My problem is that the sandbox var 'liste_fichier' is always null after i 
click the submit button.

Are sandbox vars persistants after a submit form ?

If someone could give me an explanation or an example with sandbox vars and 

Thank you very much.


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