[TYPO3-formidable] Prototype to Jquery - how much work?

Jérôme Schneider typo3dev at ameos.com
Tue Feb 2 23:12:27 CET 2010

Hi Gary,

I have this in mind too. I'm no jQuery expert yet, so this task has 
never gone too far though.

 From what I've seen, both libs provide approx the same subset of core 
functionalities, so porting from one to the other might not be such a 
huge task after all. I'm sure though that it would require another 
abstraction layer between Formidable and the JS-lib, whether it's jQuery 
or prototype, to ensure compat with both on points that are not 
equivalents. I know that some frameworks like ExtJS are achieving this 

One more point: Formidable relies on prototype, but also on a plugin for 
prototype called Base that proposes Object-inheritance for JS. To get an 
idea of what I'm talking about you might have a look at 
(and especially at the source code of that page).

Not to mention some uses of scriptaculous (that is based on prototype).

So to sum up, I would say this:
   * would be awesome to have,
   * would need an abstraction layer to handle diffs between prototype 
and jQuery,
   * some tech-points might have to be resolved first (like object 
   * would be awesome to have (really)


Le 29/01/10 17:44, Gary Wong a écrit :
> Formidable developers,
> About how much effort would it take to give the option of using jQuery
> instead of Prototype? Are the Majix functions abstract enough to do that
> without a huge effort? I am sure it's still considerable work. I am just
> wondering.
> All my projects use jquery now, but I really like Formidable and
> although they can coexist via 'noconflict' - I'd still like to
> eventually stick to just one library.
> Any thoughts?
> Gary W

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