[TYPO3-formidable] validator:file with more than one upload field not working

Domi Garms djgarms at gmail.com
Fri Aug 20 06:33:27 CEST 2010

Good morning,

Im wondering whats the problem if I use more than one renderlet:UPLOAD
in one form. I have 5 upload-elements in one form, and if I only want
to upload one the extension validator pops up and gives the error
message "Image should be either png, gif or jpg" but the file gets
uploaded in my uploads-folder. But the database column is still empty.
If I remove the extension validator the form works fine...

<renderlet:UPLOAD label="Select an image file, &lt; 2 MB">
			<data targetDir="uploads/tx_dmfaupairs/" />
				<extension value="jpg,jpeg" message="Image should be either png,
gif or jpg." />
				<filesizeKB value="2048" message="Image should weight under 512KB" />

Hope someone can give me a hint.

Thanks a lot


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