[TYPO3-project-formidable] Possible to duplicate a fieldset with a click?

Walter Seeberger walk2moon at gmx.de
Wed Oct 21 17:09:52 CEST 2009

Hello Pablo,

thank you very much for your answer. I am going to explain again, because I don't know, if I explained well.

The goal is not to prefill some renderlets. The thing is to copy some input fields (renderlets) to fill in other values and save them also to db.


Formularpage A
-- Input fields for contact person a
-- Button: next | Button: further contacts

If I click next: I am redirected to Formularpage B
If I click further contacts: There appears another fildset to fill in another contact
If I click again the further contacts Button: There appears another fildset to fill in another contact

and so on...

sorry, hope you can understand me a little better.

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