[TYPO3-project-formidable] how-to access and manipulate LISTER column data?

Andres Toomsalu andres at active.ee
Mon Jan 12 16:07:46 CET 2009


I'm looking a way to access and manipulate (conditionally for example) 
LISTER renderlet column data - but I have no idea how to access column 
current value from PHP and how for example choose and output images 
depending column value instead value itself.

Use case 1: Wanting to display OK or Not OK text in lister column named 
status - database value is boolean 1 or 0.
<column name="status" type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="LLL:status" >
                                                 #how to access current 
column value coming from lister datasource?
                                                 $colValue = ????;
                                                 if ($colValue) $result = 1;
                                                return $result;


Use case 2: As previous but with little addon -  displaying OK or Not OK 
icon instead of the string in previous use case - how?

Best regards,

Andres Toomsalu, andres at active.ee

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