[TYPO3-project-formidable] renderlet TinyMCE: spellchecker plugin: if you click the button the position changes

Hauke Hain newgrp at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 25 14:35:45 CET 2009


if I click the spellcheck button the position is changed to the left.

I use this in my HTML-Template:
<table style="width:610px;"><tr><td 

and in the XML a tinyMCE renderlet with the name "myText".

You can also achieve the same result without a template, if you add to your 
stylesheet this:

If you click the ABC-Button the Editor gets nearer to the left.
If I look throug the sourcecode nothing seems to have changed, if I use 
Firebug in Firefox a mysterious HTML line is added:
<div style="position: relative;"/>
Right after the span and the hidden textarea.

If I delete this line everything goes to normal, but I didn't find the 
JavaScript line where this HTML line is included.

In Firefox I get this div only once, in the IE as often as I click the 

My workaround so that the position doesn't change is a new line of CSS:
.mceEditor div{display:inline;}
The result ist, that the div doesn't use a full line anymore. It doesn't 
content anything, so it is not remarkable.

If you have the same experiences and know a better solution of this problem, 
please let me know.


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