[TYPO3-project-formidable] Stripping HTML tags from user input before DB insertion

Leopold Mayr leo at sprinkesnirg.de
Sat Feb 14 12:50:28 CET 2009

Hi list!

I have created a user database where users can edit their data  
themselves. I wanted to strip any html tags from the user's input  
before it is stored in the DB.

Therefore I wrote a beforeinsertion process (code below) to strip the  
tags and it works (as far as I can tell right now).

I'm just wondering if there is another possibility of doing this? Am I  
missing anything?

Thanks in advance,


Here goes the code:

					//get form values
					$aData = array_pop(func_get_args());
					//create anonymous function for stripping tags
					$sanitize = create_function ('&$value, $key', '$value =  
strip_tags ($value);');
					//apply anonymous strip tags function to every form field
					array_walk ($aData, $sanitize);
					return $aData;

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