[TYPO3-project-formidable] xmlbuilder with ajax?

Dietmar Staab news at das-rad-ruft.de
Sun Feb 1 14:59:41 CET 2009

Hi @all,

the description in 
of the usage of xmlbuilder works fine.

If in a form a dynamic number of input and/or text fields (the number is not 
known at creation time of the form) is needed one solution would be to create 
in a for loop as much input fields as I think what would be sufficient, 
setting the display style to none and add a button to toggle the visibility.

For example an input for weblinks and the user may enter up to 10 links I 
would generate 10 input fields with xmlbuilder, hide 9 and add a 
button "more" to display the next input field. The limitation is that 
entering 11 links is not possible until I raise the constant in the code or 
ask the user before the form is rendered how many links he would like to 
enter (to delete input fields is another point, but it would be ok if these 
field were cleared and hidden).

Is there a solution to add renderlets dynamic - something that would add a 
renderlet behind an exisiting renderlet with an ajax event?

[Link-1] [more]

[Link-2] [delete][more]

[Link-2] [delete] 
[Link-3] [delete][more]


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