[TYPO3-project-formidable] renderlet:DATE

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Thu Aug 13 10:56:28 CEST 2009


we have two problems with the date renderlet:
- when entering wrong values (like "14asdf") there is no validation. is 
this a bug?

- after posting and reloading the form, the date is truncated, so that 
just the day is shown. no month or year. when i disable the JS-Calender 
this error is gone- when i look at the HTML i see that the correct value 
is there, seems like the js-lib truncates the value...

Here is the XML:

<renderlet:DATE name="tx_kbks_geburtsdatum" label="Geburtsdatum" >
			  <datetime format="%d.%m.%Y" allowManualEdition="true" />
					<required message="Bitte geben Sie Ihr Geburtsdatum ein."/>

Best Regards
Stephan Petzl

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