[TYPO3-project-formidable] checkpoint feature request

Alexander Rose alexander.rose at weirdbyte.de
Tue Nov 4 16:26:01 CET 2008

Hi all,

and again thanks for this great extension!

I would like to have a checkpoint after validation (if there was any  
validation) and before rendering.

(Note: the currently existing checkpoint 'after-validation' is equal  
to 'end' and after 'after-render'. If I understood the code.)

Currently I introduce a checkpoint for each revision, e.g. at line  
3301 in class.tx_ameosformidable.php for revision 260. That's  
annoying, so... maybe some of you think such a checkpoint is usefull,  

I use it to modify error messages in  
$tx_ameosformidable::_aValidationErrors. Why? Because I have e.g. a  
validator (validator:STANDARD with some php userobj) that do a check  
like 'at least one of 10 fields must contain a value'. This validator  
is attached to some field (say 'fooA') - due to the lack of global  
validators (or am I missing something?). Now I wan't the error message  
to be accessable in the template via {myerrors.oneOfTen} and not  
{myerrors.fooA}. Therefore I modify the variable $_aValidationErrors.  
I also check in $_aValidationErrors if there are any other errors for  
the ten 'foo...' Fields, errors that are not part of the 'oneOfTen'  
constraint (so that the overall global contraint is: 'at least one of  
10 fields must contain a _valid_ value').

How are you cope with such global constraints?

with kind regards,

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