[TYPO3-project-formidable] Renderlet:LISTER pass variables

Benjamin Fischer mailbox at typedown.com
Wed Mar 12 09:37:23 CET 2008

Dear Formidable Community,

first of all I would like to thank the Ameos TYPO3 Dev Team and all  
the other developers who contributed in the great progress of  
Formidable.  I tried to keep track of all the new developments in the  
last year and finally had a client project where I could use this  
framework. In the last two days I started to work on a search/list  
application to display the entries of a tracking log to display user  
interaction. Thanks to Formidable I was able to accomplish most of the  
features in only two days and already have a working demo application.

I have a question concerning the passing of variables to a search-form  
and renderlet:LISTER. I am trying to send some variables with GET  
parameters to be able to access search results with a special link.  
For example on a user-page a link to all the e.g. uploads of this  
user. The link should be something like index.php? 
id=144&report[keyword]=JPG&report[users]=664&report[action]=4 for all  
JPG by user-id 664 and action upload.

I am able to pre-fill this data in the search-form with these  
variables using the special link but do not succeed in getting the  
right search-results like submitting the form with these values. I  
have tried getting the values from the parent in a userobj but  
unfortunately it changed nothing.

Then I searched for Formidable applications that use this sort of  
feature and found a similar thing on http://www.30millionsdamis.fr  
there the search-word appears in the url after the first submission  
like: http://www.30millionsdamis.fr/agir-pour-les-animaux/adoptez-moi/rechercher-un-animal-a-adopter/rechercher-un-animal-a-adopter.html?&tx_ameos30madoption_recherche 
[fake_motsclefs]=Blanc changing the parameter to e.g.  
_ameos30madoption_recherche[fake_motsclefs]=Noir gets the new results  
an fills the search-form with the new keyword.

Does anyone have an idea how I could develop a similar feature, and  
maybe how could it be possible to always "transport" the search  
features in the url for maybe forwarding the search result link to  
someone by email?

Best regards, keep up the great work!

Benjamin Fischer


Benjamin Fischer | Dipl.-Des.
Studio Stuttgart  (D)  +49 711 50 88 97 04
Studio Strasbourg  (F)  +33 954 01 87 04

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