[TYPO3-project-formidable] renderlet:LISTER and renderlet:DATE with activelistable="true"

raymond allusure liste.infcomp at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 16:13:55 CEST 2008

Hi everybody,
I wanted to use a renderlet: LISTER with a renderlet: DATE, with the
possibility of modifying the renderlet: DATE.

 The XML code:

<renderlet:LISTER name="mylist" cachehash="true">
            <datasource use="pages" />
                <column name="title" type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="Page
title" />
                <column name="crdate-2" type="renderlet:DATE" listHeader="CR
date" activelistable="true">
                        <datetime format="%d %B %Y" />

 The problem occurs when there is more than a line in the table. You can
change the renderlet: DATE as the first line only.

 I think it is because the same id is used for all lines.

 Line 1:
<TD class=col-crdate-2>
          <IMG id=newlisterpi2_mylist:crdate-2_trigger_row style="CURSOR:
pointer" alt="Pick date" src="doc/img.gif">
        <SPAN  id=showspan_newlisterpi2_mylist:crdate-2_row>...</SPAN>
        <INPUT  id=newlisterpi2_mylist:crdate-2_row type=hidden

 Line 2 is exactly the same:

<TD class=col-crdate-2>
          <IMG id=newlisterpi2_mylist:crdate-2_trigger_row style="CURSOR:
pointer" alt="Pick date" src="doc/img.gif">
        <SPAN  id=showspan_newlisterpi2_mylist:crdate-2_row>...</SPAN>
        <INPUT  id=newlisterpi2_mylist:crdate-2_row type=hidden

I tried to modify the source code for the extension,I have not succeeded.
I did not find either in the list of message speaking of this problem.

Someone has an idea ?

Best regards and many thanks in advance.

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