[TYPO3-project-formidable] Repaint nested box on ajax event 2.0.237

Martin Claus mc.laus at gmx.de
Tue Aug 12 14:04:31 CEST 2008

Hi List,

I have found non expected behavior in repainting a renderlet:BOX  
nested in a renderlet:BOX. My code looks like this:

<renderlet:BOX name="sheet">
     <renderlet:BOX name="list_cont">
         <renderlet:LISTER name="lister">
           <datasource use="pages" />
               <column name="title" type="renderlet:TEXT"  
listHeader="Page Title" />
<renderlet:BUTTON name="btn_repaint" label="Repaint List">
   <onclick runat="ajax" cache="false">
         return $this->aORenderlets['sheet']->aChilds['list_cont']- 

If the outer box is deleted the form works as expected. But in this  
version, at the first click on the button the data in the lister  
disappears, on the second click, the event beaks.
Debug Error: /htdocs/typo3conf/ext/ameos_formidable/api/base/ 
rdt_lister/api/class.tx_rdtlister.php line 1022 - Call to a member  
function _navConf() on a non-object

Can you please have a look at this problem. I have got a rather  
complex form and need multiple nested boxes and the refreshing  

With kind regards


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