[TYPO3-project-formidable] DATASOURCE logic isn't correct

Nikitin Sergey s.nikitin at prme.ru
Tue Apr 22 09:22:03 CEST 2008

I have a table fe_users there are about 1300 records.

Also I have a datasource with sql => SELECT * FROM fe_users WHERE pid=$pid

I found that it doesn't make a LIMIT query with LISTER's pager... WHY? 
refering to MYSQL doc 
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/limit-optimization.html) I found 
that we can count total result number just using COUNT(*) for all 
LIMITED rows (For ex LIMIT 0,10 COUNT(*) will return "10") or 
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS for selecting all founded rows. And it will be one 
query for a one datasource. Please fix it in next revision, because it 
makes a huge memory usage with big tables.

P.S. Sorry for my english.

Best regards, Serg (nikitinsm at gmail.com)

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