[TYPO3-project-formidable] renderlet:LISTER form in rows

Manuel Rego Casasnovas mrego at igalia.com
Thu Nov 8 21:23:32 CET 2007


I'm using a renderlet:LISTER with a datasource:PHPARRAY.
Moreover in some columns I'm using the property "activelistable", and
with this property I get a form in each row of my lister. I have a
button to submit this form, and in this button I have a callback to one
function to save the row.
The problem is that in my method the params haven't the values from the
form, have old values.

How I can get the input values to update database?
I've noticed that if I print POST vars I get the input values, however I
don't know if it's the better option.

It is possible do something like this?

The XML configuration:
        <renderlet:LISTER name="my_list">
            <datasource use="my_datasource" />
                <column name="uid" type="renderlet:TEXT" label="uid" />
                <column name="one" type="renderlet:TEXT" label="one"
activelistable="true" />
                <column name="two" type="renderlet:TEXT" label="two"
activelistable="true" />
                <column name="edit" type="renderlet:BUTTON" label="edit">
                    <onclick runat="server" params="uid,one,two"

Best regards,

-- Manuel Rego Casasnovas Computer Science Engineer
mailto:mrego at igalia.com Tel: +34 986 10 76 10 Fax: +34 981 91 39 49
Igalia - http://www.igalia.com

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