[TYPO3-project-formidable] Hide/display renderlets on load

Paweł Bandura gawelx at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 22:18:07 CEST 2007


I'd like to make something like this:
The list of records and the form for editin/adding new record above the 
list. But the form should be hidden on load of the page - there should 
be displayed only "Add new" button.
The form should be displayed when:
*) I click the "Add new" button - and it's simple :],
*) I click an "Edit" link related to any record on the list - and this 
is the problem. When I click "Edit" link - the page is reloading, and 
after that the form is hidden (the box containing the form has default 
"display: none;" style, so I could use majix functions).

The same problem apears, when I try to validate fiels - if nay of the 
fields isn't valid - the page reloads, the error message shows up, but 
the form is hidden again.

Is there a way I can make my form to be hidden or not on page loading 
according to some condition (ie. if $this->oDataHandler->entryId is NULL 
or not)?

Best regards
Paweł Bandura

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