[TYPO3-project-formidable] One db-column for three form fields

ReneŽ Nitzsche rene at system25.de
Fri Dec 21 17:03:57 CET 2007


I have to integrate a legacy database to TYPO3. For some reason I don't 
know there is a string column "status" with values like this: "on-off-off".
That has to be translated to three Yes/No fields in a formular:

<renderlet:LISTBOX name="status1" label="Status 1">
<renderlet:LISTBOX name="status2" label="Status 2">
and so on...

What is the best way to do init this listboxes with the right state?

The way from form to database can be easy done with 
process/beforeinsertation. But I didn't find a clean solution to 
initialize this fields.
A userobj in renderlet/data/defaultvalue doesn't work, because it is not 
affected  for still existing records.
So I use renderlet/data/value instead. But this is really ugly because I 
have to handle submitted data myself.

Is there a counterpart to /process/beforeinsertation where it is 
possible to translate database values to formfields?

Best regards,

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