[TYPO3-project-formidable] inconsistent use of ' and " in html tags of some renderlets

Alexander Rose alexander.rose at weirdbyte.de
Tue Dec 11 14:53:54 CET 2007


I find the following somewhat inconsistent, but maybe there is a reason?

In e.g. file ameos_formidable/api/base/rdt_date/api/class.tx_rdtdate.php
the attributes are sometimes enclosed by singlequotes '

$sTrigger = " <img src='" . t3lib_div::getIndpEnv("TYPO3_SITE_URL") .  
$this->sExtRelPath . "res/lib/js_calendar/img.gif' id='" .  
$sTriggerId . "' style='cursor: pointer;' alt='Pick date' /> ";

or by doublequotes "

$sInput = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" . $this->_getElementHtmlName 
() . "\" id=\"" . $this->_getElementHtmlId() . "\" value=\"" .  
$value . "\"" . $this->_getAddInputParams() . " />";

I would prefer the doublequote, so you can write something like

document.write( '{some_form}' )

e.g. to show something only if javascript is enabled (as kind of an  
opposite to <noscript> {other_form} </noscript>).


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