[TYPO3-project-formidable] Own classes

Christian Hagenah christian at hagenah.de
Mon Dec 3 15:39:09 CET 2007


because I need a little bit uncommon functionality I'm writing an own 
datahandler, renderer, ...

1. It looks like I can only add one class per extension. I'm using in 

= array(
"key" => "user_myext",
"base" => FALSE);

Then the file of the class must be 
"ext/user_myext/api/class.tx_usermyext.php" and the name of the class in the 
file "tx_usermyext". As the file name and the class name are derived only 
from the extension name: how can I add more than one class per extension?

2. As I was only able to add one class per extension I tried to extend 
existing formidable classes e.g. tx_rdrstd using the XCLASS feature. I'm 
using in ext_localconf.php

= t3lib_extMgm::extPath($_EXTKEY,"api/class.ux_tx_rdrstd.php");

But this only worked after I added a

global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;

near the end in 
ext/ameos_formidable/api/base/rdr_std/api/class.tx_rdrstd.php. Why doesn't 
it work without this line? How can I do it without modifying the formidable 
class files (as I would have to apply the patch to each new version again)?

Best regards,
Christian Hagenah

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