[TYPO3-project-formidable] Create some custom renderlets, actionlets,

Jerome Schneider typo3dev at ameos.com
Mon Jun 19 11:24:54 CEST 2006

Hello Jeremy :)

The procedure to create new elements is :

1 - Create a new extension using the kickstarter.
            -> Category : misc.
            -> Dependency : ameos_formidable

2 - Create a directory "api" inside the ext folder ( for instance, 
EXT:/my_custom_element/api/ )

3 - Place a php class file named "class.tx_mycustomelement.php" ( replace 
mycustomelement name by your extension key, of course ) into the "api " 

4 - Code your php class ( should extend formidable_mainrenderlet for a 
RENDERLET, formidable_maindatahandler for a datahandler, ... )

5 - Include these lines in the "ext_localconf.php" file of your extension 
( create it if not exists ), where MYCUSTOMELEM is the key that you will use 
in your XML config to instanciate your custom element.

         if (!defined ("TYPO3_MODE"))  die ("Access denied.");

         // FORMidable declaration

         tx_ameosformidable::declareRenderlet($_EXTKEY, "MYCUSTOMELEM"); 
// for datahandler, use declareDatahandler, and so on

6 - Clear typo3conf cache

Hope you'll be able to share your elements this way :)

Kind regards,
Jerome Schneider

"Jérémy Lecour" <jeremy.lecour at gmail.com> a écrit dans le message de news: 
mailman.7911.1150707187.17090.typo3-project-formidable at lists.netfielders.de...

I didn't find (maybe didn't search enough) how to add custom renderlets, …

I've made some with the v0.4 framework, but here I'm lost ;-)

Once I've found the way, I could post here some potentially useful
Jérémy Lecour : <mailto:jeremy.lecour at gmail.com>
webdesigner, webmaster et développeur web
Trésorier du PLUG : Provence Linux User Group

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