[TYPO3-doc] TypoScript rendering

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Mon May 6 08:31:58 CEST 2013

Moin Elmar,

>Would suggest the plural "Examples", even if I need to update my text thereafter.

Both patterns are recognized now:
['property', 'datatype', 'description', 'example']
['property', 'datatype', 'description', 'examples']

>You created first a table to give an overview of the properties. 
>Then a ".. contents::" directive follows to give the same overview again. >
>This doubling doesn't give additional value, hence it becomes rather 
>tiresome with respect to reading.

It's there to provide easy navigation: jump down the page, then
click on a headline to jump up again and so on ...

>Flattened levels
>The properties are a sublevel of "imageLinkWrap =".  Tables are not well suited to display nesting. They acutally can only display one level.
>That's where I introduced a "Context" description to show the position of properties: http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/esp/TypoScriptReference.html.

True, that "Context" on your pages IS a very good solution.

>Definition lists
>It's a matter of taste, if they are harder to read.

Yes, do whatever fits best in a specific case.

> At least they are more simple to write, because they don't require table formatting.

Actually the ".. t3-field-list-table::" directive offers an easy
way of creating tables. Compare with

The trick is to use an unorderd list to create table rows. And
within each row a ReST field-list is used to create cells within
columns. The field-name is the column name and the value is the
cell content.

I'm explaining it here:

>Would it be possible to generate a TOC of a definition list?

Don't know. I my example I'm just using normal headlines as
material to build the TOC.


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