[TYPO3-doc] Encouraging people to contribute with Github

Fabien Udriot fabien.udriot at ecodev.ch
Fri Feb 22 11:52:01 CET 2013

Hi all,

While thinking of how we could facilitate people contributing to our documentation, I have been
pointed to other PHP projects. As a matter of fact, more and more are using GitHub and not without
reason. Basically, the workflow they have enables people to contribute in no more than two clicks
without going away from the browser! You end up in a in-line editing tool which will generate a
pull-request [1] in the background upon saving the change. To let you convince, try these steps -
assuming you have a github account:

* Open page: http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.0/en/user-guide/overview.html
* Search for the link "Edit Source" and click it.
* Press button "Create fork" (don't worry, you can delete the forked repository at any time!)
* Start editing and when finish, press at the bottom the "Propose file change" (well, don't do that

This will generate a pull request to the owner who will either accept the change as such or start
commenting on it. IMO, the TYPO3 project would really benefit from a simplified workflow, reducing
the technical skills and steps before getting started. However, this would also imply "loosing" a
couple of things:

- the review and voting system from Gerrit
- the integration with Redmine (AKA Forge), although there would be some possible integration

Talking with the documentation team, didn't sound too much as a blocker. However, before starting
any migration, I wanted to ask whether you would see any major drawbacks for that.

I have made some additional notes for tracking notes and ideas here

All the best,


[1] https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests

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