[TYPO3-doc] Using ReST/LaTeX/PDF for the "What's New slides"

Michael typo3ml at schams.net
Tue Aug 20 14:16:35 CEST 2013

On 20/08/13 21:25, Xavier Perseguers wrote:

> Good if you managed to do it manually. If you have a TYPO3 website
> somewhere (either local or not), you may be interested into using
> EXT:sphinx [...]

Well, Martin highly recommended that I should have a look at EXT:sphinx 
(and I will) but I prefer the "pure server side" on a low level in order 
to understand what each component really does and in order to review and 
reproduce the instructions on the Wiki :-)

> But all in all, if you have managed to install
> everything from scratch, that's perfect of course.

...thanks to the author(s) of the Wiki pages ;-)

>> @Xavier: what do you recommend I should look at now? How does the
>> current ReST->LaTeX->PDF worfklow work for "standard" documents? Slides
>> are very, very different (I use the "Beamer" class)... do you see any
>> problems with that?
> No, beamer is actually what I would recommend as well[...]

Can you recommend, which directories/files of the RestTools I should 
check/review in order to understand, how the rendering workflow 
ReST->LaTeX->PDF for "standard" documents work?

> To be honest, I fear it will be quite some work and will very hard to
> come "close" to the power of beamer using an intermediate language.

Yeah, (unfortunately) I have the same impression. I can't see how the 
ReST syntax would ever match the Beamer class functionality.

But, the truth is: for simple and consistent slides we only use 20% of 
the Beamer functionality and less features than ReST->HTML requires: we 
do not need things like animations, overlays, sidebars, bibliography, 
tables, zooming, etc.

At the end it comes down to: sections, frametitle, framesubtitle, bullet 
points, texts, code snippets ("listings" class) and images. Maybe 
columns to structure some elements.

...and we are also willing to simplify the "What's New" layouts in order 
to make them more "consistent" and "ReST-compatible" if reqired :-)

> But the topic is interesting! So count me in for supporting you in one
> way or the other.

Awesome! Thanks for that.


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