[TYPO3-doc] ReST Migration: planning the next steps

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Sat Mar 10 10:05:14 CET 2012

[François Suter] wrote & schrieb:

>b. we need to decide how we want to split the OO files upon migration to 
>ReST. We don't want to stick to monolithic files,

We have to distinguish two aspects: Chunk size at the input side and
chunk size at the output side. reST knows an include directive:

.. include:: chapter-1.txt
.. include:: chapter-2.txt

This is a way to split large text files at the input side without any
effect on the output side. It just leads to smaller files that are
easier to edit and maintain.

>I plan to 
>request quickly a new server from the server team, which would respond 
>to "documentation.typo3.org".

Just "docs"!

http://docs.typo3.org looks much more balanced to me. "docs" is
frequently used as subdomain.



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