[TYPO3-doc] ReST

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Fri Mar 9 10:34:50 CET 2012

[Rens Admiraal] wrote & schrieb & schreef::

>Just doesn't work with the html_static_path...
>Something like -D html_static_path="['static']" results in:
>path [ not found
>path ' not found
>path s not found
>and so on...

It's not possible to override that value from the commandline because
the argument doesn't get eval()ed. ['static'] compares to
array('static') in PHP. Since it's not eval()ed it stays a string.
Arrays are sequences, strings can behave like sequences as well in
Python. So when Python does
  for item in arg:
then item will become each of the characters of arg: '[', ', 's' and
so on.

>About putting the template on git: gerne! If I can be of any help, let 
>me know ;-)

Yes, that would be great. I'll send you an email.



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