[TYPO3-doc] ReST

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Thu Mar 8 22:31:51 CET 2012

[Rens Admiraal] wrote & schrieb:

>Hi guys,
>I'm currently checking out some stuff with sphinx, and working on a 
>package to render documentation in different themes. Did you guys play 
>around with passing settings to the sphinx-build command? I'm looking 
>for a way to set html_static_path by commandline, but can't find it 
>really :)

Doesn't the -D switch look promising?:

$: sphinx-build --help
Sphinx v1.2pre
Usage: D:\Python27\Scripts\sphinx-build-script.py [options] sourcedir
outdir [filenames...]
Options: -b <builder> -- builder to use; default is html
         -a        -- write all files; default is to only write new
and changed files
         -E        -- don't use a saved environment, always read all
         -t <tag>  -- include "only" blocks with <tag>
         -d <path> -- path for the cached environment and doctree
                      (default: outdir/.doctrees)
         -c <path> -- path where configuration file (conf.py) is
                      (default: same as sourcedir)
         -C        -- use no config file at all, only -D options
         -D <setting=value> -- override a setting in configuration
         -A <name=value>    -- pass a value into the templates, for
HTML builder
         -n        -- nit-picky mode, warn about all missing
         -N        -- do not do colored output
         -q        -- no output on stdout, just warnings on stderr
         -Q        -- no output at all, not even warnings
         -w <file> -- write warnings (and errors) to given file
         -W        -- turn warnings into errors
         -P        -- run Pdb on exception
* without -a and without filenames, write new and changed files.
* with -a, write all files.
* with filenames, write these.

Please tell us if it works! 

Maybe you want to compare with

>Besides that I've looked at the thread about the ReST template for 
>documentation, what's the status of this theme?

Do you mean this one?:

This is still the very first hack I did at the end of last year. But
not bad, I woud say. Should be placed at git.typo3.org soon to allow
improvement and collaboration. 

cu, Martin


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