[TYPO3-doc] Official docs: Mostly CamelCased now (to be pushed again)

Fabien Udriot fabien.udriot at ecodev.ch
Fri Jun 1 11:30:11 CEST 2012


>> For example:
>> http://srv123.typo3.org/~mbless/git.typo3.org/Documentation/TYPO3/Guide/Security.git
> I'm fine with that structure if that's what we need. I would like to check that also with the FLOW3
> team. I know they are subscribed to this list, but they are probably very busy these days gearing up
> for the release of FLOW 1.1, so I'll ping them on the topic.
> BTW does this structure fit the various needs expressed by Philipp (it seems so ;-) ), Fabien (for
> extension manuals) and Xavier (regarding translations)?

For extension manuals?

* I wouldn't add an extra "build / source" sub-folder because I don't think storing the build of the
documentation within the extension is the good place.

  - the build of the documentation won't be kept up to date properly by developers and this will be
rather source of confusion.

  - It makes the release cycle of a T3 extension / F3 plugin more complicated by adding additional
steps. I counted 4, 5 steps - without counting the extra work to install the software, not only
Sphinx but the typo3 theme + adapted conf.py...

  - Let say we change our T3 theme. What will happen? We have to re-generate a new build? mmm...

How to solve the build problem? I would rather favour on-line services that takes the work from the
developers. Bottom line: everything at the root level of "Documentation", IMO. Build is done
elsewhere on-line. Off-line docs are the reST file themselves.

* I wouldn't store the "conf.py", "make.bat", "Makefile" for the same reasons. It contains
information related to extension (name of the extension + version number) that won't be kept up to
date by developers because additional work. I personally want to get rid of this hassle.

Let put the maximum chances in our side: keep it as simple (basic ?) as possible (read: developers
are lazy).



Ps. Technically, we could support different file structures to make everybody happy. However, it
makes things more confusing for occasional developers...

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