[TYPO3-doc] Any DocBook Questions?

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Sun Oct 24 16:12:47 CEST 2010

Hello Ingo,

I like to attend online, is this possible? If I see it correctly it's starting in 3 hours.

We're just starting with DocBook in the Documentation Team, but I already have two questions
- We're using the DocBook versions V4.3 (in TER) and V5 (in FLOW3) and the existing DocBook-editors have also their specific DocBook-versions. How can we handle that version-differences-problem?
- Is it better to have the DOCTYPE book in the document or better not?
  (in TER manuals we have <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd">
  and in the FLOW3 manuals <book version="5.0" xml:id="flow3" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" ... >

You can just contact me, I'm online today by skype-chat.


> Hi there,
> so there's going to be a documentation session at the Google Summer of
> Code Mentor Summit tomorrow (Sunday, Pacific time that is). The session
> is held by two members of the DocBook project.
> So this is your chance, if you have any questions regarding DocBook,
> please let me know by answering to this email. I'll then happily forward
> them during or after the session tomorrow.
> all the best
> Ingo

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