[TYPO3-doc] About DocBook 5 Customization

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Mon Dec 13 13:57:04 CET 2010

Hello Thomas,

you're welcome here, very nice that you help us with DocBook! Some years ago I bought your book from SuSE PRESS "Medienneutrales und plattformunabhängiges Publizieren" for docbook 4.x and it was a big
help to me. Now we have a big task here to move with thousands of users and thousands of manuals to DocBook. We want to avoid getting into one-way-streets and give the manual writers of
TYPO3-extensions a good feeling when writing documentation.

Our next step is indeed to define the subset of DocBook XML we need here for TYPO3. For us it's three topics what are special
- Source code snippets in a bunch of types like <example><programlisting language="php">...</programlisting></example>, SQL, CSS, JavaScript
- Dividing big manuals in small parts what can be combined together (e.g. the TSref manual is very big)
- Much linking between manuals and to URIs outside (the problem is often broken links because of changed URIs)

That would give us the possibility to make the search better and do highlighting using geshi, and dividing big manuals make it easier to maintain in a team. That also can be a great base for eLearning
for new TYPO users.

A nice-to-have would be
- Tagging of content (to show a tagcloud and maybe to add "see also" links)
- several user languages (de_DE, en_US, fr_FR) within one document

So you see we have much what we think of before we really start, and we're very happy that you share our way. In which way would you prefer that we implement that features?


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:: Daniel Brüßler - Emilienstr. 10 - 90489 Nürnberg

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