[TYPO3-doc] New version of doc_inst_upgr

Patrick Gaumond gaumondpatrick-s-p-a-m at hotmail-sp-a-m.com
Mon Dec 1 19:44:42 CET 2008

Patrick Gaumond wrote:

> If I recall well, there's no need for "duplicated zip" version with 
> stuff in double since version 4.0... (page 10)

Answering myself:


So yes, there's no need for "duplicated zip" anymore...

Here's also the changelog from this time:

2006-02-14  Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

	* Moved t3lib/gfx/ to typo3/gfx/
	* Changed all references of t3lib/gfx/ to gfx/ or typo3/gfx/
	* Made some FE references to media/...
	* Added index.php, showpic.php and thumbs.php scripts
	* All thoese changes were made to make it possible to use the TYPO3 
source without symlinks
	* !!! As a consequence of this, the symlinks "arial.ttf" and 
"verdana.ttf" in t3lib/fonts/ have been removed completely. Please make 
sure that you have updated your TypoScript template accordingly. You can 
either upload the original fonts to the server or use a similar looking 
font instead (nimbus.ttf instead of arial.ttf, vera.ttf instead of 
verdana.ttf - both are located in t3lib/fonts/).

Source: http://wiki.typo3.org/TYPO3_4.0_Changelog


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