[TYPO3-doc] WIKI: use of conditions in templates

Michiel Roos michiel at netcreators.com
Wed Aug 15 10:17:44 CEST 2007


Nice! I like!

The switch works fine. The warning message is thrown by some bad, 
outdated piece of php that assumes that the input it gets is actually an 
array.. . . well . .  that's not fair . . . the error is caused by some 
bad piece of script throwing something that is not an array to a piece 
of php that expects an array as input.

Turn off 'warning' messages and all will be fine. Don't worry about 
Warnings. They're nice during development or for testing new stuff, but 
should be turned off on a production server like this.

You can log warning and error messages to a log file which you can 
inspect when something does not work as expected.

You should be able to fix this also in a .htaccess file:



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