[Typo3-doc] Re: [Typo3-typo3org] TDR concept

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Sat Jun 25 12:48:28 CEST 2005

Hi list,
First of all I like to hear Michaels comments about the changes
Robert have made to the TDR document... or be able to read the
first release of it. Thank you!

> [A] True import of the source documents into the page tree. 

Is this a strict technical question or does it affect the way we
are able to manage documentation in the TDR?

> [B] Use the TER for distributing documentation instead of yet another
> repository.

Doesn´t matter to me as long as you can garantee that a feature
request for the "documentation part" of the TER does not get
blocked because it does interfere with the "extension part" of
the TER.

I.e. it should be possible to develop the "documentation part"
of the TER as the DocTeam like, without making any changes in
the "extensions part" of the TER.

> [C] Keep everything together on TYPO3.org.

Does this have anything to do with the TDR/TER? I guess not,
because TDR/TER should work the same both with or without a
subdomain for documentation. Right?

> Well, these are my first thoughts on the concept. Michael and I are curious
> to hear your ideas!

Are there any plans for a more detailed "feature request list"
for the TDR? I have a few ideas...  :-)

And please, crosspost to the typo3.projects.documentation
mailing list!

/Peter Kindström

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