[Typo3-doc] Creating demo/howto videos with Flash

Michael Perkhofer michael.perkhofer at uibk.ac.at
Tue Feb 22 15:47:06 CET 2005

Hi Folks,

sorry this answer comes a little bit late, but I just started reading this 
group today, and didnt know video stuff is also discussed here (we have a 
special video group for that..)

Michael Stucki wrote:

> I think this tool could be very useful for the TYPO3 project. Not only it's
> much flexible than video recording, it's also much (much!) smaller compared
> to a video.

Thanks Michael for the input here!! I installed Wink a month ago or so and I 
also like it very much. Its one of dozens of Flash based screen capture apps.

Michael Stucki wrote:
 > Sylvain Viart wrote:
 >>About sound ?
 > Not available but also not needed! You can attach text boxes. Saves a lot 
 > of bandwidth, by the way!

This is a point I totaly disagree. The text boxes offers *very* limited 
possibilites of expression and can not be compared to real speech. I started 
writing transscripts of Kaspers videos, so that translations could be made 
more easyly and have to say there is really a *huge* amount of information 
in there, which would be almost impossible to be put into text boxes.

Here my 2 cents:
+ Flash players are available on all platforms.

+ Wink offers you a nice way to create non-linear presentations, where user 
input is possible to show different parts of the movie.

+ Mink offers a really nice user interface with a nice workflow and is all 
in one. I guess many people like this workflow to create a tutorial video 
much more than using Camtasia or Windows Media Encoder.

- The resulting flash movies are *very* large.
I tried Create_a_page_TV.html, posted here, which is ~540kB. I measured the 
time, it took for me to watch the flash anim and read all the conent. It was 
~3 Minutes. This means we have a movie with ~24 kBit/s, which consists only 
of some screenshots. WMV/XVID Screen capt. movies have ~30kBit/s and offer 
much higher quality - of course you can also make soundless videos using 
WMV/XVID, so thats no argument. Textboxes can also be included into WMV/XVID 

- Using the textboxes, it might be *very* much work to produce videos with 
the same quality and content like Kaspers videos

- Multilanguage videos are not possible. We have Danish, German and English 
versions in one File @typo3.org.

- We dont know, how long WINK will be free.

<not serious mode>
- I want to watch the movies using my modded XBOX using XBoxMediaCenter, 
which is not possible with flash movies ;)
</not serious mode>

So - I think it depends on the project you want to document. Flash movies 
can be nice and would be a nice addition to the video collection we have on 
Making soundless videos might be an interesting point - I have to say, that 
I sound very stupid, when I try to speak into a microphone, so that would be 
a possible solution to this ;). This is the reason, why I never released any 
dupped or self made video public...

Anyway - I dont know how many hours I (we) spend discussing the right video 
standard (remembering late 2003, where we started this all...) and since 
then almost *no* video was added and all people, who offered me to produce 
some videos and translations didnt send me anything.

BTW: There is a document, written by me and Kasper at typo3.org
Might be interesing to include the Wink stuff into it.
Should this be migrated to this 'Wiki' page?

Cu soon, Michael.

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