[TYPO3-dam] refUid in tx_dam_tsfe->fetchFileList not getting data

Ingo Pfennigstorf i.pfennigstorf at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 12:21:41 CET 2011


I tried to get data from dam as described here: 
http://wiki.typo3.org/wiki/Dam#FAQ but unfortunatly I get all stored 
images and not only the one belonging to my page.
My Setup:
lib.headerPic= IMAGE
lib.headerPic {
	wrap = <div id="headerpic">|</div>
	ifEmtpy.wrap = |
	required = 1
	file.import.cObject = USER
	file.import.cObject {
		 userFunc = tx_dam_tsfe->fetchFileList
		 refField = tx_tmpl_project_picture
		 refTable = pages
		 additional.fileList.field = image

After debugging a lot, I found out, that $refUid is not getting any 
data, that means the current page is not respected. After assigning 
$refUid = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id it worked.
Setting the refUid via TypoScript only resulted in TSFE:id as text 
output and not getting parsed.

Any idea - or maybe a bug?

Thanks a lot


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