[TYPO3-dam] tx_dam_db::setPid

Thomas Maroschik tmaroschik at dfau.de
Mon Aug 9 20:08:20 CEST 2010

Good evening dear DAM Team,

today i just stumbled upon the lack of tx_dam_db to set the pid 
manually. Attached you will find a little patch, that fixes this.

I have to index a lot of files into an own sysfolder. By calling the 
following code from an scheduler task

$index = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_indexing');
$index->indexFiles($newFiles, $this->galleryPid, NULL, array($this, 

I am struggeling with the problem, that formerly indexed files get not 
reindexed but rather new indexed as new records. In the indexer you can 
set an pid, but this pid won't get handed over in 
tx_dam_indexing::indexFile to tx_dam::index_check that calls 

The static var in tx_dam_db::getPid named static $pid gets initially set 
by tx_dam::config_setValue in ext_localconf. This method is just an 
alias for tx_dam_config::setValue. In tx_dam_config::setValue there is a 
check for $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['ext']['dam']['config']. But this isn't 
set, so tx_dam_config::init gets called. In line 82 tx_dam_config there 
is a check for $pid = tx_dam_db::getPid(). In this line 
tx_dam_db::getPid gets called the first time and the static property 
inside tx_dam_db::getPid isn't changeable anymore during runtime.

Hope this isn't just an issue for me. I would be happy to see this patch 
getting into trunk :)



Thomas Maroschik
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