[TYPO3-dam] List > Process does not respect TCA options

Jan Wulff news at janwulff.de
Thu Mar 26 01:42:52 CET 2009


I'm trying to limit the maximum allowed numbers of categories per file to 
one. That should be quite easy by using:
$TCA['tx_dam']['columns']['category']['config']['maxitems'] = 1;

This works with File->Indexing and List->List (edit), but is ignored in 
List->Process, where I can still add more than one categories to a file.

I checked the source of the page, but all the JS functions, which should 
prevent the assignment of more than one category, are there.

Does anyone have an idea? I just disabled the process feature 
(mod.txdamM1_list.menu.function.tx_dam_list_batch = 0) for now, but that 
isn't really a solution.

I filled a bug request, too:

Kind Regards

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