[TYPO3-dam] Sort order for file module

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Wed Mar 11 02:24:19 CET 2009

Hi list,

i think it's totally weird that DAM -> File doesn't sort directories by 
I want to write a patch, but currently I have problems, where to set value 

This property should automatically be retrieved from TSconfig, right?
There are several getModSettings() functions in DAM, but no one is called in 
File module.

- what's the prefix for file module to set tx_dam_file_list_sortField
I've tried various things like
mod.txdamM1_SHARED.options.tx_dam_file_list_sortField = title
- or is this value never read from TSconfig and we have to add a 
getModSettings() to file module?


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