[TYPO3-dam] unable to hide action-buttons in Media > List

georg kuehnberger georg at georg.org
Sun Jun 14 23:29:34 CEST 2009


In the process of setting up a dam-demo and -testing instance, I 
discovered the following weiredness:

Target in general:
Improove Usability (for a regular editors-group) by hiding most of the 
dam standard options and actions.

Target discussed here:
Hide the Action-Buttons for
in the Media-File AND the Media-List Modules.

So I put;
    mod.txdamM1_SHARED.actions.shared.tx_dam_action_deleteFile = 0
into the user-group TSconfig (and the media page TSconfig as it should 
be valid for both anyway).

- Media > File: FINE: the Delete Record Button is not shown anymore
- Media > List: OOOOPS: the Delete Record Button is still shown

As far as I understood, mod.txdamM1_SHARED.actions.shared works for all 
modules, not only the list module;
see also http://ben.vantende.net/t3docs/dam/page/20/ - Thanks Ben for 
that page!

So my questions are:
is this a bug, a weiredness, a missing feature or did I do something wrong?
Any pointers appreciated.
Thanks upfront, regards georg.

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