[TYPO3-dam] German special Chars (Umlaute)

Krystian Szymukowicz t33k.RE.MO.VE at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Wed Jan 28 16:06:30 CET 2009

Hendrik Reimers wrote:
> Hey at all...
> i'm a newb using the DAM Extension and have a big Problem using and 
> uploading Files.
> Because it's a german page and the Editors want to upload many files that 
> maybe have the
> german special chars like Ä Ö Ü, named Umlauts (Umlaute).
> But the DAM Extension doesn't rename the files like the normal Typo3 File 
> Module. The normal Typo3 File
> Module renames the Files like Ae... Oe... Ue... and so on...
> Is it possible to solve that problem, and how?
> Thanks!

I had similiar problem some times ago and I had to change the dam 
source. It was on 03.2008. I do not know if this instruction is still 
valid as the file binding/tce/class.tx_dam_tce_extfilefunc.php could 
change since then but you could try:

in file binding/tce/class.tx_dam_tce_extfilefunc.php
at line 328
there is:

$theName = tx_dam::file_makeCleanName($_FILES['upload_'.$id]['name']);
#$theName = $this->cleanFileName($_FILES['upload_'.$id]['name']);

It's enough to uncomment line 329 and let the standard function 
"cleanFileName" do the right job.

Krystian Szymukowicz

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