[TYPO3-dam] Filemanagering of FIles

ben van 't ende [netcreators] ben at netcreators.com
Sat Feb 28 21:39:17 CET 2009

Michael Gnessner wrote:
> Hi
> I have a second question to using of DAM. I use different foldersystem at
> my webspace for images and other documents.
> Now I would change some files from one in another folder. Is there are a
> choise to do this with DAM or is the only way to copy the element in the
> new folder and change the pic at all elements?

Hey Michael,

I have a hard time grasping your question. Can you explain it a little better?

When you move documents or pictures the data belonging to it thru the dam record
is lost. You can however reindex the items, but then you'll only have the
metadata extracted from the item. EXIF for pictures for instance. IPTC would
give you a possibility to add more metada to the picture. Maybe this is what you


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